(Less than 24 hrs in advance)
call us - 888-561-2622 (BOCA)

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Jetski Rentals - $130/hr

Our exclusive location on the Intracoastal Waterway next to the Boca Raton Pier provides direct access to both the ocean and “Lake Boca”. Experience the beauty of Boca Raton's coastlines from this unique vantage point. Jetskis launch from the Waterstone Resort & Marina dock.

Pontoon Boat Rentals
$375 /2hrs. $90/ea. adl. hr.

Boats launch from the Waterstone Resort & Marina dock. Guests may travel on the Intracoastal Waterway only.
Prefer not to operate a boat yourself? We have captains available to navigate for you. To add a captain to your rental, please give us a call. INCLUDES FUEL.

Center Console Boat Rentals
$450 /2hrs. $125/ea. adl. hr.

This well-equipped boat offers comfort and versatility for any outing. Boats launch from our location at the Waterstone Resort & Marina dock. Guests may travel on the Intracoastal Waterway only. Captains available. To add a captaine to your rental , please give us a call. INCLUDES FUEL

Pedal Kayaks
$65/90 mins. - $25/ea. adl. hr.

Kayaks are the perfect combination of fitness and fun!. Have your hands free to take pictures, or hold a drink. With newly developed pedal kayaks, a user can use their legs to maintain a steady speed and cover more distance regardless of the amount of chop on the water.

Please note that we do not accept advance reservations for weekends as they are condition-dependent. Please call us directly to book for the weekends.

Stand-Up Paddleboard Rentals
$35/hr. - $15/ea. adl. hr.

Perfect for cruising, cross-training, and enjoying the views of intracoastal Boca Raton.  All boards come with an adjustable paddle, fitted life jacket, or safety pouch.

We do not accept in-advance reservations for weekends as they are condition-dependent. Please call us directly to book for the weekends.

Boating Lessons

Build confidence driving a boat, and learn the rules of the water, how to dock a boat in different situations, drop and retrieve an anchor, understand weather, wind, tides, and drive a boat safely.

We offer immersive lessons on our boats or yours, perfect for getting accustomed to your new vessel.